Student and staff safety should be every administrator's highest priority.
It certainly "is" every parent's highest priority.
There can be no margin for error.
BACKGROUND: Most of the nation's more than 13,000 public school districts and 12,000 private and parochial schools have vulnerabilities that expose them to serious threats and risks. Schools and districts are not typically staffed with expert personnel whose sole purpose is to ready the institution for serious natural or human-caused events. Each school and district must be prepared to prevent, protect against, respond to and recover from a wide spectrum of major events and natural disasters. What we do is help you protect your people, your facilities and your institution's image. Meeting the minimum standards required by your state cannot alone, fully prepare schools to protect students and staff in all situations.
OUR ENGAGEMENTS: Gauge Precision Consulting provides the added skills, experience and expertise necessary to help schools and districts achieve full readiness. We will look at your planning, preparation, training and drills, your physical security posture including site access procedures and we will even hold discussions with your safety teams and incident management personnel. We can also ensure that your staff is National Incident Management System (NIMS) compliant. If you need help with developing plans, creating realistic tabletop exercises, preparing training scenarios or tightening up your facilities' physical security, we are your partner. We offer a wide range of service options which cover planning, preparation, response and recovery, including crisis communications and critical incident stress management protocols. Our engagement can be as broad or as narrow in scope as you wish. We will perform an objective and thorough assessment of everything you have in place.
OUR ENGAGEMENTS: Gauge Precision Consulting provides the added skills, experience and expertise necessary to help schools and districts achieve full readiness. We will look at your planning, preparation, training and drills, your physical security posture including site access procedures and we will even hold discussions with your safety teams and incident management personnel. We can also ensure that your staff is National Incident Management System (NIMS) compliant. If you need help with developing plans, creating realistic tabletop exercises, preparing training scenarios or tightening up your facilities' physical security, we are your partner. We offer a wide range of service options which cover planning, preparation, response and recovery, including crisis communications and critical incident stress management protocols. Our engagement can be as broad or as narrow in scope as you wish. We will perform an objective and thorough assessment of everything you have in place.
Examples of our Strategic Consultations on Safety & Security
- A comprehensive review of emergency operations plans and necessary updates to all plans
- Review of any training materials
- Campus physical security audits, which include examination of door systems, windows, fencing, gates, locks, cameras, points of ingress, egress, technology, alarms, intercoms, etc.
- Observe the daily ebb and flow of personnel (students and staff), visitor entry procedures, arrival and dismissal procedures, internal and external communications capabilities, at each campus
- Threat and Vulnerability Assessments for each campus that will help inform our recommendations on gaps that may need to be addressed and filled, especially in the areas of planning, training, responding, facility readiness, etc.
- Development of training, that presents best-practices and is tailored to your district and schools
- Training of District leadership and staff, and school emergency response teams, will be offered and coordinated according to the instructional calendar and needs of the District.